Arts! Oglethorpe, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible, and greatly appreciated!
With your donation, we’re able to keep our doors open and provide our community with opportunities to participate in and enjoy shows each year.
Use the form below to send a donation via credit card, PayPal, Venmo, or other. If you’d prefer to send in a check, please send it to our Post Office box:
P.O. Box 535, Crawford, GA 30630.
If you would prefer your donation to go to our Building Fund for the repair, restoration, and renovation of the Crawford School, please fill out the form on our School Renovation page.
General Fund Donation Form
Kroger Community Rewards
Arts! Oglethorpe is enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards program! If you have a Kroger Shopper’s Card, you can set Arts! Oglethorpe (Org. No.: CR999) as your preferred organization. Then, every time you purchase groceries using your Shopper’s Card, Kroger will donate a percentage of that total to us.